Website Mission:
Explore views of Christian Ecological Theology, converse with Chinese ecological culture, introduce current ecological environments, practicing earth care in real life.
Website Values:
Awareness of God’s creation under groan and toil as well as the earth’s ecological crisis, practice earth care as a stewardship mission biblically, interact with people groups that share love of nature and ecological cultures.
Six areas of the website:
1) The Journal of the Mission of Earth Care for God’s Creation (Monthly). Published first day of each month. Contains five sections: “Bible and Ecotheology”, “Chinese Ecological Culture and Ecological Environment”, “Current Situation and Protection of Global Ecological Environment”, “Christian Churches and Organizations and Caring for the Earth”, and “Sharing of Personal Love and Protection of the Ecological Environment”.
2) Special Column. Ad-hoc to discuss special topics and short essays.
3) Ecotheological Study. The Articles and Essays of Ecotheology.
4) Blog. Penned “Good Earth Steward” that shares reflections on Ecological Theology and Ecological Culture; includes study materials for fellowships and small groups.
5) Community. Showcase articles and pictures of churches, ecological organizations, and individual participation in love of the earth activities; in addition, other friendly links of websites, public Wechat, and so on. Monthly columns will showcase details of the “Beyond Home, Beyond Church, Love of Nature, Care of Community” initiative to periodically engage in picking up trash at local community parks. The articles of the monthly lectures about earth care from “Love Fellowship Media” are displayed in the area too.
6) Media. Various audio, video resources on nature and love of the earth.
Website Maintenance:
The website is supported by a group of Chinese Christians willing to put “earth care” into real life practice in accordance with the teachings of the Scripture. It was officially established as of December 2020. Currently the six areas aforementioned and all texts and pictures are provided by editors of the The Journal of the Mission of Earth Care for God’s Creation (Monthly). The main contact for website is Brother Li.